I am really sorry, I know it has been a while since I have updated, there really is no excuse. But things have been really exciting and busy for us Raneys'.
The musical went great, thanks to everyone who came. I really enjoyed getting to do theater again, I had forgotten how much I missed performing. School for spring semester went great, Scott and I both got great grades and we were really proud of our accomplishment. The 7 week break was a nice break from everything. We went camping with Chance and Megan to Yellowstone and took loads of pictures. I will post those soon.
Natalie Raney had Luke Raney this past break, he is completely adorable, and we are super excited to have another Nephew to spoil. This started the chain reaction. Chelsea gave birth on September 6 to my first blood niece and I love her to DEATH! She is super cute and tiny, Katrina Raney gave birth on my BIRTHDAY!!! To Joseph and we are really excited to have yet another Nephew. My best friend Carrie went into Labor last night, so Scott and I are busy helping them, since her husband is on crutches, they need all the help they can get! So as you can see, Scott and I have our hands full of getting gifts and giving love to our newest family members!!!!! We love them all so very much!
School started on my Birthday September 10, and happy birthday to me. 22 years old. Starting School. School is going great so far, we both have our work cut out for us, I am taking 18 credits and Scott is taking 12.5 which is a lot actually, since his are art classes and they are each 3 hours long. For those of you who know about art classes, 3 studio art classes is an overload. But he is really excited.
Fall is my favorite time of year, I love the smells and the colors, I am updating my wordrobe from 7th grade! YAY! I am really excited, so things are great. I have cut my hair and dyed it. I still have a lot of length, but I now have bangs, and I tried dying it dark brown, but with my mom's side of the family hair, it came out red. Because that is my natural color. So yes my hair is a very pretty shade of dark red, and it is all NATURAL! lol, People see me now and have to take a double take of me to even recognize me.
This is our little update, and I promise to keep updating it often.