Friday, June 05, 2009

way too long!

Hey everyone, I know it has been forever since i have updated ya'll on our lives, but trust me, i have not been lazy, just super busy.

This semester is great, very tiring and busy, but probably my favorite out of all of them. So far. Scott and I have our full load of classes and we are both working. I am TA'ing a Modern Dance class also, so I am loosing weight!!!! Size 6 baby! haha, But everything is great. I love my job, working as a teaching assistant for the humanities department is way fun. I love the teachers since i have already had them all for classes, so working for them and helping them teach is just a bonus.

The musical is going great. My friend Kaitie who is also in the play have been busy with costumes a lot lately. Dancing 10-12 hours a week and walking miles is starting to take it's tole on my body. But the musical is going to be great fun. Our cast is great, we are hard at work with dance numbers and major tap numbers, so lots of hard work. I am sure that we have all lost weight since this play. haha.

I have discovered that i have only 9 classes left after next semester till i graduate, so way excited and nervous.

scott and I both think that we need to be nominated for Aunt and Uncle of the year. We have 3 on the way and have a lot already, and many friends are having babies too.

Chelsea (my older sister) is having a girl.
Natalie (sister-in-law) is having a boy
Katrina (sister-in-law) is having a boy
Carrie (Best Friend) is having a girl
And some have already had theirs. So we have our hands full of loving!!!!!

anyways, sorry for the late update, hope ya'll's life is great. Can't wait to hear from everyone.

1 comment:

The Hatch Family said...

yay! I can't wait to see your play!